According to Nasa the next solar eclipse will occur in 2017 and will be visible from the United States. As a solar eclipse arched across the skies of Indonesia on Wednesday, tens of thousands of people across Indonesia gazed upward, hoping for a glimpse of the rare natural phenomenon. Crowds started to form at the observatory in central Jakarta as early as 3am with eclipse watchers arriving early to receive a free pair of glasses and secure the best spot. Some brought picnics with them, while others climbed onto the observatory roof or perched on top of idle fire trucks to escape the hordes As the moon started to pass between the earth and the sun, the skies took on an unusual twilight tone, and the first crescent became visible. “I felt the greatness of creation when I saw it,” exclaimed Wiwi, a Jakarta resident. “It’s so coooool,” said Fabio, aged 5, “The sun looks like the moon!” A solar eclipse results when the moon passes directly between the Earth and the sun, c...
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